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贵州省威宁县矿产资源丰富,矿业开发程度较高,由此引发的矿山地质环境问题也很突出,本文在贵州省威宁县矿山地质环境调查基础上,采用专家评分-加权比较分析法定量分区评价矿山地质环境问题,为矿山地质环境的恢复与治理提供依据。  相似文献   
简要地分析了我国煤矿生产中矿图绘制所需的各类软件的利弊,针对煤炭专业业务处理的具体特点,系统地概括了RGIS在煤矿生产中的应用,通过实例分析,阐述了RGIS在矿山地质测量中的应用效果。  相似文献   
阐述了采用地球物理勘测方法--SYT天然电磁渡法确定采空区位置的做法,通过3种不同的处理方式,得出相应的地质图件,并对其进行分析研究,从而在地表对采空区的位置进行了确定.  相似文献   
通过实际资料,详细论述了南村的地质灾害现状,初步分析了南村地质灾害的形成机理,并讨论了校区地质灾害应采取的防治对策。  相似文献   
根据工程实例, 提出一种解决新旧建筑物间基础沉降缝的处理方法———架桥法.  相似文献   
文章利用遥感解译资料,结合研究区活动断裂构造现今构造应力场、地震资料、地貌特征、第四纪沉积厚度及温泉分布特征等的综合研究,根据地质构造稳定性分区的基本原则,进行了区域地质构造稳定性评价,将研究区划分为2个一级区,即活动区和相对活动区;4个二级带,即泗县-五河-蚌埠活动带(Ⅰ1)、嘉山-肥东活动带(Ⅰ2)、来安-滁州-巢湖比较活动带(Ⅱ1)、长丰-肥西比较稳定带(Ⅱ2),这对该区的国民经济发展和建设有着重要的意义.  相似文献   
 煤矿三维地质剖面图的自动生成已有相关研究,但是缺乏剖面图中地层与断层、陷落柱等拓扑关系的考虑及进一步针对剖面图的应用。针对这一问题,提出了三维地质剖面图数据拓扑分析的算法,利用地质剖面图中的拓扑关系,可以实现在剖面图中任意位置地层厚度查询、拾取点到含水层距离计算等功能,从而能够方便、快捷地获取三维地质剖面图中的信息,达到辅助煤矿现场分析的目的。  相似文献   
以软件技术和空间信息处理为核心的GIS技术数据为平台,利用它的开发函数库二次开发出专用的学生体质评价地理信息系统软件,得到相关的空间分析结果.多角度的分析学生体质数据内在价值,预测今后学生体质的发展趋势,并提出相应的建议.  相似文献   
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOFMS) is com-mercially available in the 1990s, with the characteristics of large peak capacity, high resolution, high sensitivity, etc. However, its application to the petroleum and geological analyses is just emerging in China and overseas. In this research, the analytical method for petroleum aromatic fraction using GC×GC-TOFMS is set up, via the choice of the column system and optimization of setting parameters, such as temperature programming, modulation time, hot pulse time, flow rate of carrier gas, data acquisition rate and data processing. The results indicate that different polar compounds of aromatic fraction distribute as bands on structured GC×GC chromatogram. Within each band, homologous compounds appear as a roof-tile structure based on the number of substituent residues. The aromatic compounds are identified and characterized according to the GC×GC chromatogram and mass spectra. According to the polarity and the number of rings, aromatic compounds are spatially present on one chromatogram, which directly reflects the distribution characteristics of complex compounds of aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, quantitative analysis is favored as some overlapped peaks on traditional GC-MS chromatogram have been separated completely on GC×GC. Some heterocyclic atom aromatic compounds at trace level can be clearly identified using this method, for polarity differences from other interfered aromatic compounds. The development of this method and chromatogram recognition offer petroleum geologists a practical example for the application performance of GC×GC-TOFMS.  相似文献   
针对目前定向井给地质录井带来的挑战,就如何提高定向井,尤其是大位移定向井的录井质量,如何驾驭钻头沿最佳轨迹路线行驶,如何提高定向井的地质录井服务工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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